Let's start a project!

Everything is Marketing


  1. a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl or small sack to perfume clothing or a room.
    • a mixture of things, especially a musical or literary medley.

A mixture of things is the perfect way to define me.

I have a real big problem. I want to experience and learn everything. My life is a constant expression of my bottomless energy and endless pursuits, much to the exhaustion of those sharing my journey. I gain inspiration from so many people and places. This portion of my website is a small collection of my current projects, passions, and inspirations.

As you read through some of my experiences you may be confused, intrigued, or inspired. I was told two separate things that I believe were meant as an insult but are now a point of pride for me.

“You don’t half-ass anything. You can’t just have a hobby, you have to turn it into a business. You can’t just learn how to do something, you have to start teaching it.”

For better or worse that person was right. I live my life passionately and the result is some really incredible experiences and some really tragic disappointments. As I work on enjoying the journey AND the destination hopefully you find some amusement and knowledge in this little corner of the internet.

*Picture from this beautiful amazon listing: https://amzn.to/31Xr2im