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  1. a lover of books especially for qualities of format
    • also: a book collector

“You want to do what?” My mom looked at me incredulously from the doorway of my bedroom as I stated my case.

“I want to get rid of my dresser and desk and replace them with bookcases,” I replied as if it made perfect sense.

I mark that day when I was 7 or 8 years old as my move from a casual reader to a bibliophile. I gave up my desk, dresser, and even my bedside table in favor of two and then three bookcases. My cat easily navigated a staircase of books to the bed each night, and my lamp perched precariously on a stack of hardcovers in the corner.

While my sister eagerly filled her closet with designer clothes, I constantly nagged my mother for more Scholastic book fair money and trips to Walden Books/Borders. My favorite place to “hang out” was the central library downtown. One of my favorite finds in my hometown was a first edition bookstore that I could browse in for hours.

Books are a true passion for me. Nonfiction, fiction, historical fiction, mystery, romance, thriller, psychological study, supernatural, self-help, investing……the list goes on and on. I take it all in and absorb it like a sponge and then pass it on if I can. One of my favorite days of my life was moving into my current house and getting my very own dedicated library room. #worthit

Reading really is the window to the world and can take you places you never imagined or give you insights you never expected. I encourage you to read more and let it spark your creativity. Here are some of my favorite reading resources.

  1. Goodreads: You can log in using your Amazon account. Feel free to friend me. I also HIGHLY encourage you to sign up for their annual reading challenge. It is a great place to meet new friends, keep track of your book “to read” list, and keep track of books you have already read. Bonus points – it syncs with Kindle.
  2. Book of the Month Club: Need help picking which book to read next. These folks are amazing. They give you handpicked choices each month and then deliver a hardcover copy right to your door for cheaper than you could get it on Amazon. Click here to get started.
  3. Ready to read for free? Here is a great list of free book resources to get you started.
  4. Local libraries still exist (for now). They need your support. Visit, check out some books, enjoy, and return. Repeat.

What is on your reading list?

The largest of my eight bookcases in the library.